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Alex Jacobs

Alex Jacobs
Part-Time Faculty
Rondileau Student Union, Room 018
BA, University Of Leeds
MFA, Brandeis University

Originally hailing from the UK Alex Jacobs is now a Boston area teaching artist. He received his BA in theatre from The University of Leeds and his MFA from Brandeis. At Bridgewater he is known for Play Analysis, Introduction to Theatre, Oral Interpretation & American Musical Theatre. Outside of teaching at 色香视频, he also teaches at Salem Sate & Brandeis. He can also be seen regularly on the Boston area stage having worked with the likes of Company One, Moonbox & Greater Boston Stage to name just a few.

Area of Expertise
Acting (Stanislavski, Michael Chekhov)
Movement (Grotowski, Laban, Lecoq)
Play Analysis
Public Speaking