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Rachael Linker

Rachael Linker smiling with brown rimmed glasses and long wavy brown hair and wearing a multicolored blouse
Costume Shop Coordinator
Rondileau Student Union, Room 037

AA, Fullerton College 
BFA, Emerson College 
MFA, Temple University

Rachael Linker has loved costumes from an early age. Originally from California, she transplanted to the East Coast for school and stayed for the seasons. On top of running the Costume Shop at 色香视频, she also teaches sewing classes at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education, does freelance costume design, cosplays, and sells her resin creations on Etsy and local craft fairs. She and her husband are also cat parents and huge nerds/geeks.

Area of Expertise

Costume design and construction, history of fashion, theatrical and special effects makeup