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Spring 2024 Refund Policy

Spring 2024 Schedule (applies to tuition and fees)

*tuition and student fees only

Full Semester CoursesQuarter 1 Courses Quarter 2 Courses
 100%  January 17 - January 24 100%  January 17 - January 19 100%  March 13 - March 15
 85%* January 25 - January 30  
 70%* January 31 - February 6 70%*  January 22 - January 23 70%* March 18 - March 19

NOTE: Non-attendance does not constitute an official withdrawal.  Refunds are not granted for non-attendance.  Official withdrawal from courses is required even if the student is not eligible for a tuition refund.

Full-Semester Courses. Refunds for full-semester courses will be awarded as follows: 100 percent refund during the drop/add period; 85 percent refund in the second week, during the four weekdays after the drop/add period has ended; and a 70 percent refund during the third week of the semester. No refund will be available thereafter.

Seven-Week Quarter Courses. Refunds for seven-week quarter courses will be awarded as follows: 100 percent refund during the drop/add period; 70 percent refund during weekdays 4 and 5 of the quarter. No refund will be available thereafter.

Odd-Day, Non-Standard Courses. The last day to add a non-standard course or drop with 100% refund is one weekday after the first class meeting; however, intensive courses (weekend or one-week courses) cannot be added after the first class meeting.