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Clinical Psychology Graduate Program

色香视频鈥檚 Masters in Clinical Psychology program is accredited by the Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council (MPCAC) for the period of February 2015 to February 2026.

Enrollment, Retention, Graduation & Outcome Data by Academic Year of Entry

*Number of Applications5226227680
*Number Accepted2014162223
Accepted % 38.5%53.8%72.7%28.9%28.8%
*Number Matriculated1612111218
Matriculated %80.0%85.7%68.8%54.5%78.3%
*Retained into 2nd year1411111215
Retained into 2nd year % 87.5%91.7%100.0%100.0%83.3%
*Graduated in X years141011129
Graduated in X years % 87.5%83.3%100.0%100.0%50.0%
*Total Graduated141111129
Total Graduated % 87.5%91.7%100.0%100.0%50.0%
*Still In Progress00006
Still In Progress % 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%33.3%

Admission Information

*Mean undergrad GPA3.563.633.313.693.629
Mean GRE Verbal149.25152.2144NANA
Mean GRE Quantitative144.08148.67139NANA
Mean GRE Writing3.7343.25NANA

Program Outcomes

*Obtained state licensure4/143/12   
Obtained state licensure % 29%25%0%0%0%
Enrolled in doctoral program     
Enrolled in doctoral program % ?????
Passage of CPCE     
Passage of CPCE % 100%100%100%100%100%